ACH Software
the features
ACH Software
- Integrates directly with QuickBooks® software
- Recurring Debits and Credits
- Email Invoicing with Automatic Payments
- ACH format definitions

Automate Account Receivable Collection
Automate Account Payable Payments
One-time and Recurring ACH Debits / Credits
ACH (Automated Clearing House) and EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) is the origination of moving money electronically. Our online virtual terminal gateway software accepts direct ACH network and substitute check transactions over the internet.
Ask about our special:
ACH CHECK by Phone & ACH Check by FAX for Mail Order & Telephone Order!
We support ACH formats, including:
- ARC (Accounts Receivable Check Conversion)
- BOC (Back Office Check Conversion)
- PPD (Prearranged Debit or Credit, One-time & Recurring, Business to Personal, B2C)
- CCD (Cash Concentration Disbursement Debit or Credit, One-time & Recurring, Business to Business, B2B)
- TEL (Check by Phone) Under the TEL Rule, only inbound telemarketers and sellers that have existing business relationships with consumers may obtain a consumer's authorization to initiate an ACH debit over the telephone. As evidence of a consumer's authorization of a TEL transaction, the telemarketer or seller must either: (1) Record the oral authorization of the consumer, or (2) provide the consumer with written notice confirming the oral authorization prior to the settlement date of the entry.
- RCK (Represented Check, NSF Check Recovery)
- Multiple Batch and Import options
- WEB (Internet ACH from a Web Site)

ACH format
definitions. Our software is designed for simplicity and ease-of-use.

ACH format
definitions. Our software is designed for simplicity and ease-of-use.Whether your business is a Web address or a street address, you're banking on sales of products and services to keep your business thriving. And that means you need bona fide payments, whether by automated clearing house (ACH), electronic funds transfer (EFT), e-Check or other means.
Perform the following types of transactions with ease:
- ACH Check-by-Phone
- Recurring ACH Debits & Credits
- One-Time ACH Debits & Credits
- Batch File Uploads
- High Risk ACH Processing
- NACHA File Format Software
- Inbound Telemarketing
- Online ACH from your Website
With our ACH credit payment processing, financial transactions between you and your customers are instantly verifiable, hassle-free and secure. Reporting is streamlined, instantaneous and user-friendly. Electronic banking includes the transfer of funds between companies and / or consumer accounts for collection and payments.
DepositChecks Features:
- Single Item Entry
- Transaction Resubmit Button
- Transaction Edit
- Transaction Void
- Transaction Copy to New
- Manual override of Recurring Transaction
- Recurring Transactions (flexible)
- Recurring Item Suspend
- Recurring Item Resume
- Recurring Payment Calculator
- Variable Amount Recurring Billing
- Batch Uploads
- NACHA Format Import Facility
- XML Integration Available
- Direct Deposit Recurring – for paying sub-agents, lead companies, etc
- Direct Deposit Item Suspend
- Direct Deposit Item Resume
- Credit Warehousing Risk Management
- Transaction Storage / Memorized
Our in-house Electronic Check experts are standing ready to help you make an informed decision to move your company's payment processing forward.
Allow us to offer and create an electronic payment processing program to provide you access to your funds in an expeditious manner.