Text a Check
the features

With our Text a Check Software, your clients can now pay you with the convenience of their smart phone. Only a small percentage of financial institutions offer a Text a Check processing service to their merchants. Good News: we work with all banks and credit unions and will deposit your funds "SAME DAY" into your existing account.
The process known as "Text a Check" allows you, (the merchant) the ability to capture front and rear images of checks, including the Consumer's signature, along with their respective MICR data for those checks being deposited. We transmit this check data through the Federal Reserve to your depositing institution, and your account is then credited with the funds.
How it works
Process all types of U.S. checks, drawn on any bank or credit union that is a Federal Reserve member, including personal checks, business checks and government checks via Smart Phones. Using propriety technology, the eCheck is created by you and signed by your client. A paper check is printed at your location with the successful deposit of funds into your bank.
The use of electronic checks - an evolution of Check 21 processing, also known as Accounts Receivable Check (ARC), Point of Purchase (POP), or Back Office Conversion (BOC) in banking terms - and, will be, among the fastest growing types of EChecks due to its enormous benefits. Using our licensed proprietary Internet-based "Text a Check" software, you can create authenic electronic checks and deposit them into your existing bank account. The software also stores the check data and check images in a database for future research and retrieval, re-submission of NSF checks and more.
Why would you want to create a Check by Text?
By converting that paper check into an electronic transaction, things are much simpler, faster, and more economical: First, you create the customer's check. The customer account information is automatically displayed for customers on their smart phone, linking the payment to your company. Then your client verifies all data for accuracy and "Signs the Check". What could be easier?
Electronic Checks are not subject to NACHA Unauthorized Return Rates Acquiring a digital signature allows you to clear / process the payment as a check instead of through the ACH network.
Collect Larger Transaction amounts than using ACH
Same-Day Deposit into Multiple Accounts. Print a check in your office minutes after you receive confirmation that the consumer has signed. We can also deliver an Image Replacement Rocument (IRD) to your bank.
Lower Return Rates than using ACH
Verify Consumer Identify we track GPS and IP address
Not Subject to FTC 2015 TSR ban on RCC - Remotely Created Checks
Mobile Check Payments
Deposit Checks into Multiple Accounts
Deposit Checks from Multiple Locations
Online, Real-time reports for easy Bank Reconciliations
Automatically Match each check you scan to the invoice it's paying
Use the "memory" function for faster identification of customer's you have done business with in the past
Check for errors or duplicate entries automatically every time you make a deposit
Resubmit NSF checks Automatically
Dynamic Report Generator
We also have Electronic Checks available ~
Electronic Check (eChecks)
Electronic Checks (eChecks) are Safe, Simple & Secure... “Remotely created checks” typically are created when the holder of a checking account authorizes a payee to draw a check on that account but does not actually sign the check. In place of the "paper draft" being created, we create an electronic transaction. Remotely Created Checks (RCCs) can be a useful payment device for some depositors under certain circumstances. In the current marketplace, RCCs may be used for recurring payments, one-time payments and collection activities authorized over the telephone, as well as contracts that necessitate same-day availability of funds. See Check21 versus ACH processing.
A "EChecks", "RCPO" & "RCC" do not get processed through the ACH (Automated Clearing House) and, therefore, are not regulated by NACHA.
A remotely created check is subject to state law on negotiable instruments, specifically Articles 3 and 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) as adopted in each state. Under the U.C.C., a bank that pays a check drawn on the account of one of its customers may charge a customer’s account for a check only if the check is properly payable. A remotely created check is defined under Regulation CC (Reg. CC), as amended in 2005 by the Federal Reserve Board, as: . . . [A] check that is not created by the paying bank and that does not bear a signature applied, or purported to be applied, by the person on whose account the check is drawn. The drawer grants the payee (merchant) authorization to produce a remotely created check drawn on the drawer’s account. See both Federal Trade Commission: Telemarketing Sales Rule; Final Rule & An Examination of Remotely Created Checks
Our in-house Electronic Check experts are standing ready to help you make an informed decision to move your company's payment processing forward.
Allow us to offer and create an electronic payment processing program to provide you access to your funds in an expeditious manner.
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(866) 927-7180